Yoga, meditation and mindfulness has been around for eons and it is no wonder that is more popular than ever. In the Western world where everything needs to go faster and we need to be available almost around the clock it is difficult to step outside and take a breather. This is causing innumerable health issues, especially on a mental level. We have forgotten to pay attention to what our body tells us, way before we feel unease and pain. Connecting with your inner core is essential to live a healthy life and accessing your full potential, not just on a physical but very much on a mental level.
«Slow is the new fast.»
Through mindful and conscious movements, you are able to quiet the mind and access your soul force. Your breath is a huge part in helping you to go within and to shut off the endless thoughts. You learn to be in the here and now, which is key to fully immerse in the mindfulness practice. Once your mind is quiet you are able to really feel what is happening in your body.
Access your soul force by …
… having a personal mindfulness practice especially catered to your needs.
… learning to hear your inner voice again.
… feeling completely at ease no matter what is going on in the outer world.
Personal care is very important to me, that is why I only offer lessons for individuals or in mini-groups for two people. This way I can better respond to your needs.
1 person:
– 5 x 60 minutes: CHF 475.–
– 10 x 60 minutes: CHF 880.–
2 persons:
– 5 x 60 minutes: CHF 750.–
– 10 x 60 minutes: CHF 1300.–
The sessions (incl. admission interview) either take place face-to-face in my therapy room (Lenk/Switzerland) or virtually via zoom.
Passes are to be paid before the first session. Last minute cancellations – withing 24 hours – will be deducted from the pass.
– phone: +41 79 338 06 42
– Email: